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This is the website of Adrian Barker.  I now mainly work in a voluntary capacity, mainly locally but also on some national committees.  I also, occasionally do freelance work, trading as ‘Equwell Strategies’.

The blog posts and other content reflect my recent experience and interest in issues to do with health and wellbeing and partnership efforts to improve it as a local level.  In particular, it focuses on: partnership working; joint health and wellbeing strategies; mental health, happiness and wellbeing; and community engagement.  I am also interested in complexity and systems thinking as ways of understanding local action and outcomes.

There is a glossary of abbreviations and terms I have been collecting over the last few years.

For a number of years I was regularly producing summaries of and links to news items on health and wellbeing policy (likely to be relevant to members of health and wellbeing boards and others).  These are still available on the site, organised by quarters but have not been updated recently.

I would very much like this to be an interactive site so would welcome comments and contributions (which will be moderated).

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