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Category Archives: Co-ordination

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Shared accountability in partnerships

We’ve got solar panels and an electric car.  Which is great.  We fuel a good proportion of our mileage on pure smugness. However … there’s a setting on the charger that lets you charge the car only when there’s an adequate surplus, so you’re just

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A Framework for Evaluating Partnerships

One of the groups that I’m on is reviewing its progress to date, so I thought that might be a good opportunity to dust off and update my framework for assessing partnerships. It has 5 top level categories: Aims, results, context, capacity and process.  The

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Co-ordination of individual patient care in hospital

My mum is in hospital so I’ve witnessed the NHS at close quarters recently.  I thought it worth recording some thoughts from the perspective of my interest in patient and public engagement and in co-ordination both within and between organisations.   Her care has been