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Category Archives: Strategy

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Can you forecast far enough ahead to make strategy worthwhile?

I read last week of some interesting responses to comments made by Jordan Peterson, Canadian psychologist.  He is reported in the Guardian as saying: “Another problem that bedevils climate modelling, too, which is that as you stretch out the models across time, the errors increase

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A Strategic Model of the Health and Wellbeing System

I have struggled over a number of years to explain my thinking on health and wellbeing strategies in a way that strikes a chord with people.  Anyway, this is my latest attempt.  This was originally a model to provide a framework for action on mental

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Tightening up Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies

Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies are important and will continue to be so, even under the new ICS system.  As I’ve said in these blogs a number of times, I think they generally do not seem to do what a good strategy should.  I’ve tried

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The future of health and wellbeing strategies

A great unfulfilled potential of the 2012 health reforms was a health and wellbeing strategy agreed jointly by the local authority, CCG, Healthwatch and others on the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB).  This was an opportunity to look long term not just at health and