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Category Archives: Systems

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Can you forecast far enough ahead to make strategy worthwhile?

I read last week of some interesting responses to comments made by Jordan Peterson, Canadian psychologist.  He is reported in the Guardian as saying: “Another problem that bedevils climate modelling, too, which is that as you stretch out the models across time, the errors increase

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Self, other, group, system

A recurring thought over the last year has been the question of whether the work I do locally, on a voluntary basis, has any significant impact.  In my reflections on that, I have tried to be even handed and note that while there are problems

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Systems modelling a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

In my last blog, I outlined the broad shape of what a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy might look like.  I included a rough diagram to illustrate it but wanted to produce a slightly more detailed systems map, showing some of the connections and feedback