Healthwatch Resources
Documents and weblinks relevant for those interested in Heatlhwatch:
Web page. Healthwatch England
10 questions to ask if you’re scrutinising … Arrangements for effective local Healthwatch
CfPS. Centre for Public Scrutiny. 2011 November. 12 pages.
From the introduction: “This guide is designed to help OSCs develop a range of high-level questions around arrangements for local Healthwatch. The aim of the guide is to help OSCs learn from the experiences of others and to assist them to scope scrutiny reviews, based on some key questions.”
Local Healthwatch: A strong voice for people – the policy explained
DH. Department of Health. 2012 March. 22 pages.
Sets out the Government’s vision for local Healthwatch and its functions, responsibilities, roles and relationships in the restructured heatlh system (this was published just before the Health and Socail Care Act was published). Sets out the context, policy and changes to the current system, roles, responsibilities and functions of local healthwatch, and issues such as organisational form, relationship with local authorities, relationship with Healthwatch England, and funding.
Knowledge and skills and competencies for an effective local Healthwatch
LGA. Local Government Association. 2013 January. 12 pages.
Delivering effective local Healthwatch. Key success features
LGA. Local Government Association. 2013 September. 12 pages.
Healthwatch: On the board toolkit. Developing skills for effectiveness on health and wellbeing boards
LGA. Local Government Association. 2014 October. 24 pages.
Local Healthwatch outcomes and impact development tool. Version 2
LGA and HWE. Local Government Association. 2014 March. 92 pages.
The NHS Bodies and Local Authorities (Partnership Arrangements, Care Trusts, Public Health and Local Healthwatch) Regulations 2012. Statutory Instrument 2012 No. 3094.
Secretary of State for Health. The Stationery Office Limited. 2012 December. 34 pages.
The Arrangements to be made by Relevant Bodies in respect of Local Healthwatch Organisations Directions 2013
Secretary of State for Health. HM Government. 2013 March. 6 pages.
Policy to practice briefing: developing a local joint health and wellbeing strategy. 5. Healthwatch
The King’s Fund and NHS London. NHS London. 2012. 5 pages.
From the document: “This briefing note summarises the proposals to strengthen the consumer’s voice in the reformed health and care system through the creation of local Healthwatch organisations; how these relate to the role of health and wellbeing boards and the development of the JSNA and local health and wellbeing strategies; and the implications for boards in developing the new arrangements.”