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Tag Archives: meetings

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Making meetings better

V – so what’s new this month? A – the thing that struck me was the number of meetings that were a waste of time or not as effective as they could be. M – Oh same old, same old.  If only the rest of

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Another month, another mental health meeting

V – so, another month, another mental health meeting? A – Indeed. V – so what happened?  Wasn’t there a presentation to be made to the Health and Wellbeing Board? A – Yes.  A draft presentation was circulated several weeks ago and I replied within

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3 x 3 ways to waste less time in meetings

I was struck last week by how two different meetings failed to be as effective as they might have been, and how it was simple, and well-known advice that could have improved them. Both suffered from many of the classic problems with meetings.  People turned

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A type of incompetence from which we can all suffer

I sit round the table with some very talented people in a number of different boards, groups and committees.  Working individually (often in organisations that help co-ordinate their actions) they are very effective.  But just sometimes, when we get together, we can be collectively incompetent.